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Graphite Tubes and Platforms for PerkinElmer

Graphite Tubes and Platforms for PerkinElmer AA Systems from Agilent

Agilent graphite platforms and tubes for PerkinElmer graphite furnace AA systems are quality tested to ensure every batch passes our demanding performance specifications for contamination, sensitivity, precision, electrical resistance, and lifetime.

Use partitioned tubes for general-purpose work and for the best detection limits with samples that have low background. These are also ideal when measuring organic solutions, or samples with low viscosity that may spread throughout the tube, potentially degrading precision.

L'vov platforms isolate the sample from the tube walls to allow indirect heating of the sample on the platform. The platform heats primarily by the radiation given off from the tube walls. Sample vaporization and atomization occurs after the tube reaches a steady-state temperature. L'vov platforms ensure vaporization occurs into a higher temperature gas atmosphere, reducing interferences. The platforms also provide longer tube life through reduced attack by sample matrix and reagents.

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