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Thermo Scientific TG-SQC GC Columns

Ensure the quality of your Thermo Scientific instrument when installed on site by using the Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD TG-SQC GC column. The TraceGOLD TG-SQC GC column is optimised for system qualification tests during initial installation, or during service and maintenance of an installed instrument. This column is recommended for benchmark testing only.

Part Number Short Description Film Thickness Phase ID Length Type Material Price Qty
26070-1300 TG-SQC, 15m x 0.25mm x 0.25um 0.25 um TG-SQC 0.25 mm 15 m 7 inch Fused Silica
26070-1420 TG-SQC, 30m x 0.25mm x 0.25um 0.25 um TG-SQC 0.25 mm 30 m 7 inch Fused Silica
  • Optimised for system qualification tests for new GC-MS installations or during service/maintenance of an existing instrument
  • Recommend reserving this column for benchmark testing only

Applications: System qualification tests (Thermo Scientific GC-MS)

GC Columns and Consumables Primer (9.98 MB)

Information on Thermo Scientific's range of GC columns and consumables

TraceGOLD GC Columns Brochure (1.14 MB)

Contains technical information on the TraceGOLD GC columns

GC Columns Technical Guide (17.17 MB)
Column selection guides to help you determine the most suitable column for your analysis
Thermo GC Columns and Accessories Catalogue 2022-2023 (5.75 MB)
Thermo Scientific GC columns and accessories are designed to give optimum system performance for today’s challenging analyses
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