Its good to talk! Come and meet us at an exhibition this year...
Element staff attend many exhibitions throughout the year and we are always happy to meet our customers to discuss new products and technologies or applications. We have a number of electronic brochures which can be e-mailed direct to you - so the information is there for you as soon as you get back to work.
Forthcoming exhibitions;
Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography (HTC) 2018
24th - 26th January / Cardiff City Hall
We will be presenting a wide range of chromatography columns and supplies for LC-MS and GC-MS applications. Come and talk to us about our new ranges of Chiral HPLC columns, unique new HILIC phases or the superb range of Triart HPLC columns from YMC. We will be joined by Dr Daniel Esser of YMC who will be pleased to discuss all HPLC applications from micro-bore to process scale.
IBioIC Annual Conference 2018
Thursday 25 - Friday 26 January 2018 / Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC)
The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Stand 24
Come and join us to discuss our vast ranges of HPLC columns, sample preparation products and applications for biochromatography. From initial characterisation of proteins and peptides to downstream process monitoring and QC, our world beating suppliers can deliver qualitative and quantitative analytical solutions to help drive your business forward.
Environmental Food Meeting 2018
12:30pm Tuesday 27th February - 1:00pm Thursday 1st March
Twickenham Stadium London
Stand - to be confirmed
We will be presenting our huge range of HPLC and GC columns and supplies from Agilent Technologies. If you you’d like to improve a method or develop a new one, then we can help you with our consulting services and contract research laboratory. We will be happy to discuss your requirements for extractable and leachable analysis from food packaging or a host of ways to improve your environmental analysis throughput using fast and ultrafast sample preparation and separation applications.