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HALO® BioClass Glycan Columns from Advanced Materials Technology

The HALO 90 Å Glycan stationary phase is a highly polar ligand that possesses 5 hydroxyl groups tethered to the silica via novel proprietary linkage chemistry. This high performance material provides a column that can be used with the typical mobile phases for hydrophilic interactive liquid chromatography (HILIC) of oligosaccharides and particularly for protein-linked glycans.

HALO® BioClass Glycan columns from Advanced Materials Technology incorporate a highly polar ligand that contains five hydroxyl groups tethered to 2.7 μm Fused-Core® silica particles via novel, proprietary linkage chemistry. This column can provide high-resolution separations of complex glycan mixtures using HILIC method conditions.

Part Number Short Description Phase Type Phase USP Particle Size ID Length Pore Size Type Price Qty
92910-705 HALO 90A Glycan 2.7um, 10 x 150mm Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 10.0 mm 150 mm 90 A Column
92922-605 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 2.1 x 100mm Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 2.1 mm 100 mm 90 A Column
92922-705 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 2.1 x 150mm Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 2.1 mm 150 mm 90 A Column
92922-405 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 2.1 x 50mm Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 2.1 mm 50 mm 90 A Column
92922-105 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 2.1 x 5mm, Guard Column 3pk Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 2.1 mm 5 mm 90 A Guard
92924-605 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 4.6 x 100mm Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 4.6 mm 100 mm 90 A Column
92924-705 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 4.6 x 150mm Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 4.6 mm 150 mm 90 A Column
92924-405 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 4.6 x 50mm Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 4.6 mm 50 mm 90 A Column
92924-105 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 4.6 x 5mm, Guard Column 3pk Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 4.6 mm 5 mm 90 A Guard
99226-705 HALO 90A Glycan, 2.7um, 0.3 x 150mm Application Specific HALO Glycan L95 2.7 um 0.3 mm 150 mm 90 A Column
  • Each lot of HALO® Glycan material is quality assurance tested for application performance
  • Ideal for HILIC separations of oligosaccharides, and particularly, of released and labeled glycans from glycoproteins and proteoglycans
  • A highly polar ligand that contains 5 hydroxyl groups tethered to 2.7 µm Fused-Core® silica particles via novel, proprietary linkage chemistry
  • Improved retention of acidic and zwitterionic analytes
  • USP L95 designation
  • Particle size of  2.7 µm
  HALO® 90 Å Glycan
Phase Proprietary hydrophilic ligand
Particle Type Fused-Core®
Particle Size 2.7 µm
Pore Size 90 Å
Endcapped No
Low pH/Temperature Limit 2/65⁰C
High pH/Temperature Limit 9/40⁰C
Hardware Stainless Steel
USP Designation L95
HALO Catalogue (11.13 MB)
A better path to separations with Fused-Core®
HALO® Bioclass Catalogue (5.65 MB)
HALO® columns for protein, peptide and glycan applications
HALO® Guard Column Flyer (1.99 MB)
HALO® guard columns provide optimum protection for your HALO® HPLC and UHPLC column without sacrificing column efficiency
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