IDP Oil Free Vacuum Pumps
IDP Oil Free Vacuum Pumps from Agilent
The Agilent IDP-3 and IDP-10 oil-free dry pumps provide affordable, oil-free vacuums that have been qualified for existing Agilent GC/MSD systems. Each pump creates a vacuum using a simple dual scroll mechanism—one nested scroll orbits around the other, creating moving zones of captured gas. Gas enters the pump at the perimeter and is displaced and compressed toward the center hub where it is exhausted, creating low ultimate pressure at high speed.
Both solutions make sure that you have everything needed to replace troublesome oil pumps by eliminating the many issues surrounding oil pump maintenance, such as; leaks, disposal costs, mess, and safety concerns. The pumps only require replacement of two tip seals and a single O-ring – a simple maintenance procedure that is clean and can be accomplished in less than 30 minutes.
This unique solution eliminates the many issues surrounding oil pump maintenance like leaks, disposal costs, mess, and safety concerns. The IDP-3 Dry Pump only requires replacement of two tip seals and a single o-ring. This simple maintenance procedure is clean and can be accomplished in less than 30 minutes by anyone with modest mechanical skills.
- No risk of oil leakage
- No costs and safety concerns of oil disposal
- Low power requirements
Delivers better vacuum performance than other pumps of similar size
Agilent scroll pumps are limited to EI (Electron Impact Ionization) GC/MS systems. GC/MS systems driven predominantly in Chemical Ionization (CI) mode are excluded.
IDP-3 dry scroll upgrade kits are not compatible with the following 5973, 5975, and 5977 instruments:
* Diffusion pump equipped instruments
* CI instruments using NH3 reagent gas