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Agilent Biodiesel GC Columns

Agilent J&W Biodiesel Gas GC columns are designed and application optimised for the analysis of biodiesel to meet ASTM and EN testing standards, including ASTM D6584, EN14013, EN14105, EN14106, and EN14110. Engineered to meet the growing demand for analysis of biofuels as supplements or replacements for petroleum based fuels, this column provides the highest level of performance for the determination of free and total glycerin, FAMEs, and trace methanol.

Part Number Short Description Film Thickness Phase ID Length Type Material Price Qty
123-BD11 Biodiesel ASTM D6584 Free/Total Glycerin, 15m x 0.32mm x 0.1um 0.10 um Biodiesel ASTM D6584 Free/Total Glycerin 0.32 mm 15 m 7 inch Fused Silica
1909BD-113 Biodiesel EN14103 FAME Analysis, 30m x 0.32mm x 0.25um 0.25 um Biodiesel EN14103 FAME Analysis 0.32 mm 30 m 7 inch Fused Silica
123-BD01 Biodiesel EN14105 Free/Total Glycerin, 10m x 0.32mm x 0.1um 0.10 um Biodiesel EN14105 Free/Total Glycerin 0.32 mm 10 m 7 inch Fused Silica
123-BD34 Biodiesel EN14110 Residual Methanol, 30m x 0.32mm x 1.8um 1.80 um Biodiesel EN14110 Residual Methanol 0.32 mm 30 m 7 inch Fused Silica
160-BD65-5 Biodiesel Retention Gap EN14105 and ASTM D6584, 5m x 0.53mm x 0.5um 0.50 um Biodiesel EN14105 and ASTM D6584 0.53 mm 5 m 7 inch Fused Silica

EN14105 and ASTM D6584 columns are designed for the determination of free and total glycerin in B100.

High glycerin content can cause engine deposits, and this is the most important GC method for B100.

Agilent's Biodiesel EN14105 Free/Total Glycerin and Biodiesel ASTM D6584 Free/Total Glycerin GC columns were application optimised to meet the testing standards.

  • Specially processed for extended temperature limit of 400°C
  • High temperature, polyimide coated fused silica tubing
  • Excellent peak shape and extended column life
  • Bonded and cross-linked
  • Solvent rinsable

These columns, when combined with Agilent 7890A GC, a high temperature retention gap (Agilent part # 160-BD65-5, 5m x 0.53 mm) and the capillary flow technology Ultimate Union, can provide performance that exceeds EN14105 and D6584 calibration and precision precisions. Retention gap significantly improves peak shape for better accuracy, reproducibility as well as extends column life. The Ultimate Union joins retention gap to column for high temperature, leak free, inert, and easy to use connections.

EN14103 is specially designed for the analysis of esters and linoleic acid methyl esters in B100.

Agilent Biodiesel EN14103 FAME Analysis GC column provides excellent peak shape for the FAME analysis.

When the column is combined with the unsurpassed quantitative precision of Agilent 7890 and 6890 GCs, the Agilent solution provides performance that exceeds the specifications of EN14103.

  • Bonded and cross-linked
  • Solvent rinsable

EN14110 is specially designed for the determination of trace methanol in B100.

High methanol content can raise vapor pressure and increase flammability.

Agilent's Biodiesel EN14110 Residual Methanol GC column was designed for headspace alcohol analysis with excellent peak shape.

  • Bonded and cross-linked
  • Solvent rinsable

Biodiesel Column Temperature Specifications

Description ID Length Film Temp Limit Part Number
Biodiesel ASTM D6584 Free/Total Glycerin 0.32 mm 15 m 0.1 µm -60 – 400°C 123-BD11
Biodiesel EN14105 Free/Total Glycerin 0.32 mm 10 m 0.1 µm -60 – 400°C 123-BD01
Biodiesel EN14103 FAME Analysis 0.32 mm 30 m 0.25 µm 40 – 260/270°C 1909BD-113
Biodiesel EN14110 Residual Methanol 0.32 mm 30 m  1.8 µm 20 – 260/280°C 123-BD34
Agilent GC Column Brochure (11.67 MB)

Full range of Agilent Technologies GC columns and applications

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