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Agilent PL Rapide Aqua SEC Columns

Agilent PL Rapide Aqua SEC columns are configured to offer high speed and resolution on older systems by combining high-efficiency PL aquagel-OH media with wide-diameter hardware. By increasing flow rate and reducing run time, overall resolution is improved on systems with high dead volumes and large flow cell detectors.

Part Number Short Description Phase Particle Size ID Length Price Qty
PL1049-2800 PL Rapide Aqua H 100 x 10mm PL Rapide Aqua H 10 um 10.0 mm 100 mm
PL1149-3800 PL Rapide Aqua H 150 x 7.5mm PL Rapide Aqua H 10 um 7.5 mm 150 mm
PL1020-2830 PL Rapide Aqua L 100 x 10mm PL Rapide Aqua L 3 um 10.0 mm 100 mm
PL1120-3830 PL Rapide Aqua L 150 x 7.5mm PL Rapide Aqua L 3 um 7.5 mm 150 mm
  • PL Rapide Aqua SEC columns for high speed and resolution on older systems
  • High-efficiency PL aquagel-OH media combined with wide-diameter hardware
  • Increase overall efficiency by increasing flow rate and reducing run time
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